PRC merupakan program Promoting Reading Culture atau (Promosi Budaya Membaca),dilaksanakan di SR Katok 'A' dan dilancarkan pada bulan Julai 2010.

Friday 18 November 2011


This month due to examinations there are no PRC activity carried out.  Pupils and teachers are busy with examinations but the PRC committee able to update the PRC notice board. 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

End Of October

The end of October was closed with 'Jawi' writing, Roman writing, coloring tops spinning and text reading by the lower primary pupil's.

Here are some of the pictures taken during the PRC activities.

A pupil from the lower primary reading a text from a book. 

 Pra pupils coloring the top spinning picture.

An upper primary pupil's writting the 'Jawi' text. 

Tops spinning drawing. 

Year 3 pupils writing the roman text. 

The 'Jawi' text. 

The Roman text.

Teachers on duty during the PRC activities.